GTEP Inputs Explanation

The input files for the HOPE model could be one big .XLSX file or multiple .csv files. If you use the XLSX file, each spreadsheet in the file needs to be prepared based on the input instructions below and the spreadsheet names should be carefully checked. If you use the csv files, each csv file will represent one spreadsheet from the XLSX file. If both XLSX file and csv files are provided, the XLSX files will be used.


This is the input dataset for zone-relevant information (e.g., demand, mapping with state, etc.).

Column NameDescription
Zone_idName of each zone (should be unique)
Demand (MW)Peak demand of the zone in MW
StateThe state that the zone is belonging to


This is the input dataset for existing generators.

Column NameDescription
Pmax (MW)Maximum generation (nameplate) capacity of the generator in MW
Pmin (MW)Minimum generation (nameplate) capacity of the generator in MW
ZoneThe zone that the generator is belonging to
TypeThe technology type of the generator
Flag_RET1 if the generator is eligible for retirement, and 0 otherwise
Flag_thermal1 if the generator belongs to thermal units, and 0 otherwise
Flag_VRE1 if the generator belongs to variable renewable energy units, and 0 otherwise
Flag_mustrun1 if the generator must run at its nameplate capacity, and 0 otherwise
Cost (/MWh)Operating cost of the generator in /MWh
EFThe CO2 emission factor for the generator in tons/MWh
CCThe capacity credit for the generator
AFThe avaliability factor for the generator (it is the fraction of the installed/nameplate capacity of a generator, default = 1)


This is the input dataset for candidate generators (a set of all generators that can be selected for installation).

Column NameDescription
Pmax (MW)Maximum generation (nameplate) capacity of the generator in MW
Pmin (MW)Minimum generation (nameplate) capacity of the generator in MW
ZoneThe zone that the generator is belonging to
TypeThe technology type of the generator
Cost (/MW/yr)Annualized investment cost for the generator in /MW/yr
Cost (/MWh)Operating cost of the generator in /MWh
Flag_thermal1 if the generator belongs to thermal units, and 0 otherwise
Flag_VRE1 if the generator belongs to variable renewable energy units, and 0 otherwise
Flag_mustrun1 if the generator must run at its nameplate capacity, and 0 otherwise
EFThe CO2 emission factor for the generator in tons/MWh
CCThe capacity credit for the generator
AFThe avaliability factor for the generator (it is the fraction of the installed/nameplate capacity of a generator, default = 1)


This is the input dataset for existing transmission lines (e.g., transmission capacity limit for each inter-zonal transmission line).

Column NameDescription
From_zoneStarting zone of the inter-zonal transmission line
From_zoneEnding zone of the inter-zonal transmission line
Capacity (MW)Transmission capacity limit for the transmission line


This is the input dataset for candidate transmission lines (a set of all inter-zonal lines that can be selected for installation).

Column NameDescription
From_zoneStarting zone of the inter-zonal transmission line
From_zoneEnding zone of the inter-zonal transmission line
Capacity (MW)Transmission capacity limit for the transmission line
Cost (M$)Investment cost for the generator in million dollars (M$)
XReactance of the line in P.U. (optional)


This is the input dataset for existing energy storage units (e.g., battery storage and pumped storage hydropower).

Column NameDescription
ZoneThe zone that the storage is belonging to
TypeThe technology type of the storage
Capacity (MWh)Maximun energy capacity of the storage in MWh
Max Power (MW)Maximum energy rate (power capacity) of the storage in MW
Charging efficiencyRatio of how much energy is transferred from the charger to the storage unit
Discharging efficiencyRatio of how much energy is transferred from the storage unit to the charger
Cost (/MWh)Operating cost of the storage in /MWh
EFThe CO2 emission factor for the storage in tons/MWh
CCThe capacity credit for the storage
Charging RateThe maximum rates of charging, unitless
Discharging RateThe maximum rates of discharging, unitless


This is the input dataset for candidate energy storage units (a set of all storage units that can be selected for installation).

Column NameDescription
ZoneThe zone that the storage is belonging to
TypeThe technology type of the storage
Capacity (MWh)Maximun energy capacity of the storage in MWh
Max Power (MW)Maximum energy rate (power capacity) of the storage in MW
Charging efficiencyRatio of how much energy is transferred from the charger to the storage unit
Discharging efficiencyRatio of how much energy is transferred from the storage unit to the charger
Cost (/MW/yr)Annualized investment cost for the storage in /MW/yr
Cost (/MWh)Operating cost of the storage in /MWh
EFThe CO2 emission factor for the storage in tons/MWh
CCThe capacity credit for the storage
Charging RateThe maximum rates of charging, unitless
Discharging RateThe maximum rates of discharging, unitless


This is the input dataset for the annual hourly solar PV generation profile in each zone. Each zone has 8760 data points and the values are per unit.

Column NameDescription
MonthMonths of the year, ranging from 1 to 12
DayDays of the month, ranging from 1 to 31
PeriodHours of the day, ranging from 1 to 24
Zone 1Solar power generation data in zone 1 on a specific period, day, and month
Zone 2Solar power generation data in zone 2 on a specific period, day, and month


This is the input dataset for the annual hourly wind generation profile in each zone. Each zone has 8760 data points and the values are per unit.

Column NameDescription
MonthMonths of the year, ranging from 1 to 12
DayDays of the month, ranging from 1 to 31
PeriodHours of the day, ranging from 1 to 24
Zone 1Wind power generation data in zone 1 on a specific period, day, and month
Zone 2Wind power generation data in zone 2 on a specific period, day, and month


This is the input dataset for the annual hourly load profile in each zone. Each zone has 8760 data points and the values are per unit.

Column NameDescription
MonthMonths of the year, ranging from 1 to 12
DayDays of the month, ranging from 1 to 31
PeriodHours of the day, ranging from 1 to 24
Zone 1Load data in zone 1 on a specific period, day, and month
Zone 2Load data in zone 2 on a specific period, day, and month
NINet load import on a specific period, day, and month


This is the input dataset for carbon policies.

Column NameDescription
StateName of the state
Time PeriodTime periods for carbon allowance (can be yearly or quarterly, set by users)
Allowance (tons)Carbon emission allowance for each state in tons


This is the input dataset for renewable portfolio standard (RPS) policies. It defines renewable credits trading relationship between different states (i.e., the states must be neighboring states) and the renewable credit requirement for each state.

Column NameDescription
From_stateState that trading the renewable credits from
To_stateState that trading the renewable credits to
RPSRPS requirement (renewable generation percentage) for the state in "From_state" column, range from 0-1, unitless

single parameters

This is the input dataset for some parameters that can be directly defined based on users' need. If not changed, they remain with default values.

Column NameDescription
VOLLValue of lost load, default = 100000
planningreservemarginpercentage of total capacity that is used for reserve, default = 0.02
Big MFor penalty purpose, unitless
PT_RPSPenalty of the state not satisfying RPS requirement, default = 10000000000000
PT_emisPenalty of the state not satisfying CO2 emission requirement, default = 10000000000000
InvbugtgenBudget for newly installed generators, default = 10000000000000000
InvbugtlineBudget for newly installed transmission lines, default = 10000000000000000
InvbugtstorageBudget for newly installed storages, default = 10000000000000000