
Sets and Indices

$D$Set of demand, index $d$
$G$Set of all types of generating units, index $g$
$H$Set of hours, index $h$
$K$Set of technology types, index $k$
$T$Set of time periods (e.g., representative days of seasons), index $t$
$S$Set of storage units, index $s$
$I,J$Set of zones, index $i,j$
$L$Set of transmission corridors, index $l$
$W$Set of states, index $w/w’$


$D_{i}$Set of demand connected to zone $i$, a subset of $D$
$G^{PV}$, $G^{W}$, $G^{F}$Set of solar, wind, and dispatchable generators, respectively, subsets of $G$
$G^{RPS}$Set of generators could provide RPS credits, subsets of $G$
$G^{L}_{l}$Set of generators linked to line $i$, subset of $G$
$G_{i}$Set of generating units connected to zone $i$, subset of $G$
$G^{E}/G^{+}$Set of existing/candidate generation units, index $g$, subset of $G$
$H_{t}$Set of hours in time period (day) $t$, index $h$, subset of $H$
$S^{E}/S^{+}$Set of existing/candidate storage units, subset of $S$
$S_{i}$Set of storage units connected to zone $i$, subset of $S$
$L^{E}/L^{+}$Set of existing/candidate transmission corridors
$LS_{l}/LR_{l}$Set of sending/receiving corridors for zone $i$, subset of $L$
$WIR_{w}$Set of states that state w can import renewable credits from (includes $w$ itself), subset of $W$
$WER_{w}$Set of states that state w can export renewable credits to (excludes $w$ itself), subset of $W$


$ALW_{t,w}$Total carbon allowance in time period $t$ in state $w$, ton
$AFRE_{g,h,i}$Availability factor of renewable energy source $g$ in hour $h$ in zone $i$, $g \in G^{PV} \bigcup G^{W}$
$CC_{g/s}$Capacity credit of resource $g/s$, unitless
$CP_{g}$Carbon price of generation $g \in\ G^{F}$, M/t
$DR_{i,t,h}^{ref}$Reference demand of demand response aggregator in time-period $t$ in hour $h$, MW
$DR_{i}^{MAX}$Maximum capacity limit for demand consumption of DR aggregator in zone $i$, MW
$DRC$Cost of demand response, unitless
$EF_{g}$Carbon emission factor of generator $g$, t/MWh
$ELMT_{w}$Carbon emission limits at state $w, t$
$F^{max}_{l}$Maximum capacity of transmission corridor/line $l$, MW
$\tilde{I}_{g}$Investment cost of candidate generator $g$, M$
$\tilde{I}_{l}$Investment cost of transmission line $l$, M$
$\tilde{I}_{s}$Investment cost of storage unit $s$, M$
$IBG$Total investment budget for generators
$IBL$Total investment budget for transmission lines
$IBS$Total investment budget for storages
$N_{t}$Number of time periods (days) represented by time period (day) $t$ per year, /sum{t /in T} N{t}
$NI_{i.h}$Net interchange in zone $i$ in hour $h, MWh
$P_{d,h}$Active power demand, MW
$PK$Peak power demand, MW
$PT^{rps}$RPS volitation penalty, /MWh
$PT^{emis}$Carbon emission volitation penalty, /t
$P_{g}^{min}/P_{g}^{max}$Minimum/Maximum power generation of unit $g$, MW
$RPS_{w}$Renewable portfolio standard in state $w$, %, unitless
$RM$Planning reserve margin, unitless
$SCAP_{s}$Maximum capacity of storage unit $s$, MW
$SECAP_{s}$Maximum energy capacity of storage unit $s$, MWh
$SC_{s}/SD_{s}$The maximum rates of charging/discharging, unitless
$VCG_{g}$Variable cost of generation unit $g$, / MWh
$VCS_{g}$Variable (degradation) cost of storage unit $s$, / MWh
$VOLL_{d}$Value of loss of load $d$, /MWh
$\epsilon_{ch}$Charging efficiency of storage unit $s$, unitless
$\epsilon_{dis}$Discharging efficiency of storage unit $s$, unitless


$a_{g,t}$Bidding carbon allowance of unit $g$ in time period $t$, ton
$b_{g,t}$Banking of allowance of g in time period $t$, ton
$dr_{i,t,h}^{UP/DN}$Upwards/downwards demand change relative to reference demand during $h$ in time period $t$ in zone $i$, MW
$dr_{i,t,h}^{DR}$Demand from DR aggregator during $h$ in time period $t$ in zone $i$, MW
$p_{g,t,h}$Active power generation of unit $g$ in time period $t$ hour $h$, MW
$pw_{g,w}$Total renewable generation of unit $g$ in state $w$, MWh
$p^{LS}_{d,t,h}$Load shedding of demand $d$ in time period $t$ in hour $h$, MW
$pt^{rps}_{w}$Amount of active power violated RPS policy in state $w$, MW
$pwi_{g,w,w'}$State $w$ imported renewable credits of from state $w'$ annually, MWh
$f_{l,t,h}$Active power of generator $g$ through transmission corridor/line $l$ in time period $t$ and hour $h$, MW
$em^{emis}_{w}$Carbon emission violated emission limit in state $w$, ton
$x_{g}$Decision variable for candidate generator $g$, binary
$y_{l}$Decision variable for candidate line $l$, binary
$z_{s}$Decision variable for candidate storage $s$, binary
$soc_{s,t,h}$State of charge level of storage $s$ in time period $t$ in hour $h$, MWh
$c_{s,t,h}$Charging power of storage $s$ from grid in time period $t$ in hour $h$, MW
$dc_{s,t,h}$Discharging power of storage $s$ from grid in time period $t$ in hour $h$, MW